Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year to all my friends - May God Bless You Richly!


Hello everyone!
The countdown begins to 2012...

"Prayers and blessings to start off the New Year. Thoughts and words to remember what is  important in our walk with God, in our life and relationships."

The following "YouTube" dance done by "Carlton" always makes me smile so I pray that you too will find it uplifting. We can all do this on our last day of 2011 or the first day of 2012. Wouldn't that be fun! Just click on the YouTube and it will take you to the original site;)

from the Fresh Prince of Bela-ire (TV show)

I haven't been writing (naughty of me) but we have been on holiday for the last month. We got home just before Christmas and found out that (unfortunately) a small little visitor had invaded our home. Don't fear he no longer "lives" here;) But I did have a lot to clean up...and then we had Christmas dinner at our house.

On vacation I was looking at the small little shells on the beach when I stumbled upon a rubber-stamp!  I believe this is a good sign...that I need to start utilizing what I have in storage and put it all into good use! and for a good purpose!!

I found a "foam" rubber-stamp on South Padre Island, TX.  It was a sure sign from God;)

My dream this year is to organize or at least get started and get enough done that someone would notice! I dream of getting my paper-crafting organized too. Its everywhere! My husband threw some of it in the attic (I wasn't happy about this); he doesn't understand that it needs to be stored near acid free products and then there is the issue of hot/cold temperatures. Ugh.. It's going to be "One Step at a Time!"

My grandson turned three this December and what a joy he is. I enjoyed seeing our beautiful country but was extremely happy to get home to see my family!  We traveled about 5000 miles - I wish I had some time to go up North to see my parents and my brother and sister's family before it snows.

I did loose some weight prior to vacation...45 lbs!!!  but when you travel by car and stay at hotels one tends to eat too much or the wrong things.  I've gained back 20 lbs already (including Christmas foods).  I need to get back on the "diet" challenge again.  I'll need your thoughts and prayers because I have a hard time loosing weight. I tend to be an emotional eater. Thank you all for your prayers!

A Poem For The Dream Doer

It is the day after Christmas and all round the world
People’s plans for the next year are getting a little absurd.

I’m going lose weight, improve my financial position

Have better relationships or just make better decisions
And while those all sound great and desire to be better is noble
Such statements typically ring empty; New Year’s resolutions a foible

Point A to Point B is not achieved by our desire or dreams

But by the plan and the action and diligent follow thru it seems
I’m not saying do not dream. Dream big and aim high
but you must do quite a bit more or those dreams will shrivel and die

But some feet on your goals; take the time to plan and prep

Write down those dreams and some intermediate steps
Surround yourself with the “dreamers who do”
Perhaps a mentor who has done it and believes you can too

Someone who pushes you forward, they might be a bit of a pain

because they won’t stand for excuses or let your lose sight of your plan
Silence the critic, the skeptic, and those who foster despair
Those content to believe that opportunity is not there

And remember the wise words, paraphrased so they fit

Those who believe it can’t be done, stay out of the way of us doing it!
- Matthew Moran, December 26, 2011

 I would love to see them!

I like the simplicity of this card.  It is very clean and elegant. I like how the letters are popped up so you can see shadows.  Isn't that bow cute!  Please visit Lisa's blog by clicking on the above name or on the card.  Lisa has great samples and ideas... many templates and tutorials too!  Please give Lisa a big HI and let her know that she is doing a great job...

Lisa, "Here’s to a clean and simple New Year!"

Prayers and blessings are just one way to bring in the New Year with gratitude and love.

'til next time,


I Am the New Year

I am the new year.
I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living.
I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.
All that you sought and didn’t find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination.
All the good that you tried for and didn’t achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn’t dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have—these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Him who said, "Behold, I make all things new."
(Bible Illustrator)

I choose to initiate God’s promises and blessings for my life in the New Year by declaring them as true. He is the “God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17, NIV). The power in a blessing is in speaking it! Because I believe that God has more wonderful things planned for me than I can even imagine (Ephesians 3:20) for the coming year, today I declare that:

I am blessed with God’s divine purpose and perfect plan for my life. I am blessed with gifts, God-given abilities and guidance. I am blessed with strength of character, self-determination and self-control. I am blessed with family and friends, faith and freedom. I am blessed with health, happiness, favor and fulfillment. I am blessed with promotion, protection, prosperity and provision. I am blessed with spirit of obedience, supernatural success and a positive outlook on life. I am blessed with a fresh start and a new outlook on life, beginning today.

I am looking forward to the new thing God will do in my life this year. I choose to let go of the past and get excited about my future because I am blessed!

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pills Pills and more Pills!

DOES ANYONE ELSE FEEL THIS WAY?  Most people know that I have some existing health issues.

My dear friend refereed me to one of her doctors. A new approach to the medical care I am already receiving. I made my appointment with Rockford Wellness & Diagnostic Center (Rockford, IL) with Dr. Kim (Kimberly Osborne, DC).  I had a consultant for one hour and I found her to be thoughtful, knowledgeable, and confident.  Dr. Kim took a more holistic look at me and I feel that she truly is aiming at me as a "whole person."  She ordered some tests (saliva and blood).  And now...LOL... I have more pills to take! at least they are natural remedies. 

Seems that along with fibromyalgia, arthritis, (ect. ect. ect.) am also have lupus, high cholesterol and tri-glycerides and glucose (low in Vitamin D & B12, low AST & ALT, low red blood cell count and hemoglobin and hematocrit (anemic), lupus (ANA Screne IFA: positive), endometriosis, low  ANA pattern & ANA  titter (immunities), cortisol load is high between 4pm and 5pm (stress) and a good candidate for breast and ovarian cancer!  WOW my original list was already long as it was. 


Dr. Kim said that I have some food sensitivities the foods I really like.  Pinto bean, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, swiss cheese, egg white, cows' milk, safflower, baker's yeast, red bean, red beet, casein, blue cheese, cranberry, oyster, cayenne pepper, rabbit (I am going to assume that this includes squirrel too), radish, vanilla bean, banana, basil, clam, eggplant, gluten, lettuce, pear, black pepper, tomato, turkey, watermelon, wheat, mango, radish, thyme, and trout.

I've been noticing more pain in my lower back these past months (I've had neck and back surgeries). Ergo, I had a MRI done.

My internal medicine doctor, Dr. Peter Phelan MD, read the results of the MRI that I had done on my lower back.  The MRI showed that my back showed more degeneration along with more arthritis.  Dr. Phelan said to contact my insurance to see what specialist were acceptable and to see if the insurance would also cover a sleep study.

My sleep study is scheduled January 2012...
Don't I sound like a hypochondriac! ... but I'm really not.  I just won the gene pool of "stuff." 

Well it's a good thing I believe that God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle WITH HIS HELP. We have to trust in Him. Then, He helps us get through anything!

The promise that is given in the Bible is: “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.”   1 Corinthians 10:13.

Yes, no matter how great the temptation or trial may be, God will make it possible for his servants to endure it faithfully.

"Always rejoice in [the] Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice! Let YOUR reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."   Philippians 4:4-7


I really like "the CLASSroom" website! 
Check out this fun card...
by Julia Stainton

To add in color, Julia used her favorite Copic Markers to color the lace.

'til next time,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Contact of Northern Illinois

My brother-in-law, Ted, is a volunteer at this wonderful place...

CONTACT of Northern Illinois is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week Helpline, that has been serving our area for the past 28 years.  CONTACT of Northern Illinois is one of over 48 centers accredited by Contact Teleministries, USA.

Do you have comments or questions on the organization? Would you like to become a volunteer or sign up for an upcoming event? Please get in touch!

Just e-mail:

If you would like to become a line volunteer, please fill out the application and send it in by e-mail or regular mail, and the staff at Contact will be in touch with you soon.

Volunteer Application

Or you can reach them:

Contact of Northern Illinois
P.O. Box 83
Freeport, IL 61032

Or you can call the helpline at 
815-233-4357 or 1-888-463-6260

If you would like to help CONTACT out, they have compiled a Wish List of items needed in order to continue to be a productive ministry. Any assistance with these item will be most appreciated.

Wish List

Ink for Printers
Paper (White and Colored)
Comfortable Desk Chairs
Power Point Projector
File Cabinets  (4 drawer)
1" 3 Ring Binders
Office supplies
Portable Fan
Portable Heater
Coat Tree
Storage Boxes
Gas Cards
Incentives (Gift Cards) in $5.00 increments for volunteer recognition

Your Name Is Volunteer
Written and submitted by Nancy Jo Grim
RSVP Director, May 20, 2005

Your Name Is Volunteer
Your name is love, because you showed me love and compassion when I needed it the most.
Your name is patience, because you took time to listen to me when my stories were long and my heart was heavy.
Your name is kindness, because you used your healing hands to touch my pain and guide me when I was lost.
Your name is mentor, because you taught me the lessons that life cannot teach so soon.
Your name is a volunteer, you are love, patience, kindness, a mentor and so much more…
We celebrate you the volunteer. 

Secret (Volunteer) Service
Submitted by Elizabeth Ellis
How to make an impact today!

Open a door for someone
Pick up a piece of paper left on the street
Say "Good Morning" to someone you don't know
Plug someone else's meter
Say "thank you" to the mailman
Give the next person in line at the grocery store your leftover coupons
Keep shoveling snow after your sidewalk ends
Truly listen to someone
Say "good job" for a job well done
Donate your used clothes and toys
Make a cake for your fellow employees for no reason
Join a committee
Let someone else go first in line
Give your used magazines away
Note good service on your waiter's ticket
Send a hand written note of thanks to a volunteer for no particular reason
Say "Have a great evening" to the night watchperson
Switch seats with someone on the plane if they've been separated by a family member or friend
Print on both sides of the page
Pretend your Monday at work is a Friday!
Refer a potential volunteer to another agency who might better fulfill a volunteer's interests and passion
Mentor a new volunteer coordinator
Bring your receptionist a treat just because
Wave to children on the bus
Walk, take the bus or ride your bike to work
Learn about a new organization and how they engage volunteers and community
Put flowers on your desk
Don't "almost" make a difference, do something today!

Explore The Wonder
by Sandy Cavinee

The mystery of God's creation unfolds along our way.
Never fully revealed to us, just pieces every day.
The earth, the sky, the oceans hold their secrets but show to man- How
beautiful and mighty are God's works and plan.
The greatest gift He gave us-to share as here we dwell, are people just like you who know love so well.
And as we "explore the wonder" of what volunteering means, the WONDER is your service-you are the greatest theme!

(Sandy Cavinee wrote this several years ago and it was made into bookmarks for Volunteer Week- theme was "Explore The Wonder-Volunteer).

To Our Volunteers
by Lisa Ellinwood

V is for the Very special people that you are
O is for the Overwhelming support & compassion you offer others during their time of need
L is for the Little things you do that make such a difference in someone's life
U is for the Unspoken words that sometimes mean just as much
N is for the Need you fill when others aren't able
T is for the Time you give of yourselves on top of your own busy schedules
E is for the Emotional support you continually give
E is also for the Endless energy you all seem to possess
R is for the Responsibility you have taken on & never once complained S is for the Smiles you bring to patients & families by just being you

Luke 6:35 ESV     But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.


'til next time,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things are getting better...

Sorry I haven't written in a while my excuse edema and bronchitis... things are getting better so I thought why not share some TV programs I watched while recuperating!  

When I start feeling better it's back to the gym, Frenchy's Fitness!

I just watched the BYU TV channel "Scrapbook Memories" (series1612). 
During their opening show segment they demonstrated a great product; or at least I think it is...

A see-through mesh that grips your paper projects but will not rip them when you peel them off.  This is perfect for projects up to 12x12 inches for how it works please go to their website - they show step-by-step instructions.  I just emailed them to see if they are going to be expanding. They do sell in some stores in the US but not near me, unfortunately.  I am waiting anxiously to hear back from them.

On the same program they demonstrated the Kaleidoscope Kreator software.  One can create beautiful, one-of-a-kind kaleidoscope designs from your own photos and images!  Check them out... they also have a blog site with some great information.  Check out this jewelry made with the software.  Beautiful! and think of all the pretty cards or scrapbook pages you could make.

I record these shows on my DVR (and nobody better delete them; LOL).  They also had other nice projects like this "Alphabets & Letters" series 1606.  Elmer's Love Letters...

To find a schedule of "Scrapbook Memories" click HERE and  Projects:  HERE.

A lot of channels like DIY and HGTV have removed their crafting shows much to my dismay; (but I did find a show on BYU TV (Directv Channel 374) called

I love this show too and yes I recorded them on my DVR because I really like their projects.  They do a great job explaining their projects.  HERE is where you can find a list of their projects. 

Like this adorable 1st Birthday Memory Box

HERE is where you can check when Crafting at the Spotted Canary will be on the tv.  You can also become a member or sign up for their newsletter.  They are on Facebook too.

Learn to Decoden is a FREE, self-paced online class that Crafting at the Spotted Canary will teach you all about the fun Japanese craft of Decoden. 

Crafty Caring Friends CRAFT ROOM

I am starting to move my crafting supplies upstairs - right now they are scattered all over the house and attic.  My husband put some of the stuff in the attic...I didn't; to him they are just junk to me they are treasures. He said I can use my son's old room so now I have a new project on how to put this room together.  I have a lot for the size of the room.  It isn't that big, has two windows and a slanted roof-line.  It could also use a paint job;) and shelves. One day at a time is going to be my motto because I will need help putting the room together. I just need to utilize every space to the most!  It is about a 10' x 10' room with a closet which I need to leave accessible space for my husband to access the attic.  I am looking forward to this room; it has been a long time since all my items had been together. I look forward to creating again rather than just find other's projects....

Don't forget my friend Jeannie at Creative Connections is having a card class this Saturday.  From Facebook...  my Facebook Friend also will have the NEW Stampin Up catalog at the class for you to look through!
Creative Connections
Saturday's workshop is Easter and Mother's Day cards. RSVP if you want to attend. I have an Easter treat for those who attend. Lunch is included. Next workshop is May 14th, Graduation and Father's Day cards. New stamps set every month!

Jehovah himself is caring for you!
he is your defender, He protects you day and night.
He keeps you from all evil, and
preserves your life. He keeps his eye upon you
as you come and go, and always guards you.
Psalms 121: 5-8


'til next time,


Monday, April 4, 2011

What is Craft It Forward?

Craft It Forward is a movement designed to benefit local charities through craft projects.  You can make a difference in your community by doing something you love – crafting! 

Donation Ideas  -  there are some great ideas on this page; even if you don't enter check this page out.

'til next time,


Monday, March 28, 2011

March is National Craft Month

National Craft Month was created by the Craft & Hobby Association in 1994, it was designed to help people learn about and re-discover the joy of crafting and all its many benefits.

March went by way to fast for me.  So much was going on that I didn't get to do my March National Craft Month!  Maybe I'll have to pick a different month to celebrate "crafts." 

There were so many websites/blogs that participated in the National Craft Month -  I just couldn't get to them all nor did I have the time to locate them all!  Ergo if you know of a great site just comment below so I can "hop" over and discover what they did to celebrate!  I would surely appreciate your discoveries.

Spellbinders™ just finished a awesome blog hop and HERE  (Facebook page) is where you can see some the list of participating blogs that "hopped" - when you "click" on the artists name you will be taken to their site where their project(s) are featured. 

I wish I had read my email in time so I would have seen the blog hop sooner.  I only got to enter 2 days and NO I didn't win any Spellbinders™ dies... I'll just have to keep on trying!  I like blog hopping except it takes so much time going from one blog to the next.  But the benefits out way the time... I get to see so much talent out there; so many blogs and so many artists.  Don't forget to see what else that particular blog has done.  I usually go through their past posts or see if they have a gallery or tutorials.  Then I visit some of their "favorite" blogs... and before I know it it's 2:00 am!!!  LOL. 

One of the blogs I like to visit is Our Daily Bread.... Becca Feeken is one of their designers. 

In honor of
"March is National Craft Month"
Spellbinders™ had a "Bunny Hop!" 

Becca was featured on the second day of the Spellbinders™ Bunny Hop!  Becca Feeken's project is shown below - the one in  pink.  

Becca always does amazing work.  She does the best ribbon tying... I wish I had that talent! 

If you ever get a chane watch her how-to videos they are very well done and I highly recommend them.  

Becca utilized torn cloth for the bows... great way to go "green"

HERE is another beautiful card by Becca (look at the bow tutorial)...

Score Tape Ribbon

I also need to tell you about

Cool2Craft LIVE interactive TV show
Tune in LIVE on Mondays to watch their complete shows.

Also, become a Cool2Craft Facebook Fan - they're looking for all you cool crafters out there -

with Lyrics Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli

I saw this video on YouTube and thought how beautiful the graphics, lyrics and duet were...

Please Enjoy...

There is a small "advertisement box" in the video...just "x" out of it ;)  YouTube is free yet so this is how they can make money.  Anoying but better than paying for YouTube!


I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
nel cuore resterà
and hold it in our hearts.
a ricordarci che
When stars go out each night,
eterna stella sei

The light you have
I pray we'll find your light
will be in the heart
and hold it in our hearts.
to remember us that
When stars go out each night,
you are eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'è
when shadows fill our day

How much faith there's
Let this be our prayer
in my prayer
when shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sognamo un mondo senza più violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternità

We dream a world without violence
a world of justice and faith.
Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
Symbol of peace, of fraternity
La forza che ci dà
We ask that life be kind
è il desiderio che
and watch us from above
ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
intorno e dentro sé
another soul to love

The force his gives us
We ask that life be kind
is wish that
and watch us from above
everyone finds love
We hope each soul will find
around and inside
another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer, just like every child

Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

È la fede che
hai acceso in noi,
sento che ci salverà

It's the faith
you light in us
I feel it will save us

Always Keep Your Candle Burning Bright!

'til next time,


PS:  I just blogged on Fuller's Kidswear!  HERE!

Friday, March 18, 2011

HAPPY ST. PAT'S DAY! Consumers please “buy local”

My family lives in a small community of Durand.  I have been involved with many organizaations within our, government, retail, volunteer...  I see too many small-towns fading away. Have you looked around at the buildings in your area...are they falling in disrepair?  No Jobs - No Money.  Sad times for everyone escpecially our youth.  America needs to be a place where one can "Dream" again.

We have service industries in Durand.   ... almost every one needs to drive at least 15 - 40 minutes to get to work. 

The "Durand" link above is for our DARTS organization.  The purpose of DARTS is to enhance the opportunities for local businesses to grow and the community to grow. It does this through sponsored activities that create greater awareness of the community. So I encourage you to go to the site to see what is happening in Durand and come and enjoy our Village

We also have a new business co-op in town called
I encourage you to read the Info page...
they have a lot of different services to offer.
They also are a part of Veterans Helping Veterans.

We have many other services and stores in town but the following provide our biggest sales tax revenue... a grocery store, auto dealership, home improvement and a nursing/retirement home.  If it weren't for these businesses our city government and school would suffer; so utilize them and thank them for being here.

Grocery:  Pacemaker at 101 Center St... WEBSITE
Auto Dealership:  Bryden Ford of Durand at 303 Center St.... WEBSITE    
Bryden Ford in Durand! We're Closer Than You Think!
Home Improvement:  Barker Lumber Co at 202 W Howard St...  WEBSITE
Retirement Home:  Medina Manor Retirement Center at 402 S Center St... This facility also provides extended-stay nursing care to seniors with varying levels of disabilities


When you buy from a locally owned business you are supporting yourself!

Local business people live in our communities. They pay property, income and business taxes in our communities. They spend nearly all the profits from their business in our local communities, fueling economic growth. They work hard to make sure that the products we buy are of significant quality. They beautify our downtowns and enrich our lives. Their stores often carry items that we are unlikely to find anywhere else. They offer the personal service that makes buying a pleasant experience rather than a chore. They greet us with a smile. They remember our names. In short, they make shopping a pleasure and living in or near our community part of a wonderful way of life. AMEN

Today's locally owned businesses can offer us something just a bit different than other merchants...


1.  Less frenzied venue; I dislike lines and waiting.  I can browse in peace.

2.  Offer harder-to-find collectibles, antiques and handmade items, among other quality goods...*  Making home-made items don't make them less expensive! I should know because I craft.

3.  Higher gas prices - shop in town and save gas; it's greener too if you walk or ride a bike

4.  Losing a local retailer, even a corporately owned retailer, is a loss for the community as a whole...This one is important!  You would lose a lot of community services!

5.  Merchant takes the time to greet you and get to know who you are

6.  Someone takes the time to inquire to what your interests are, and then they help guide you

7.  They hire locals especially high school kids

8.  Community Government/Schools rely on sales tax - with a higher percentage of money staying in the community, small-towns can afford to have public services and better supported schools

9.  Local merchants spend their money at other local businesses... Enhances the wealth of the community by working with local businesses, which may in turn make our area more pleasant to live in

10.  Reitalize downtown business districts

11.  Srengthens our ties with neighbors and business associates

12.  Willing sponsors for community and school fundraising events

YOUR MONEY stays in the your community, rather than traveling outside of it!  We need to show a commitment to our community, and an intent to form a stronger economic base for our home region. 

When we need goods that are not manufactured in our community, we can still buy them in independently owned local stores, and support the local economy. 

Yes, sometimes - it may be more expensive in the short term to buy local, it may have positive long-term benefits which should not be overlooked.

*I often ask myself why people who live in small-towns believe that a small-town store should lower their prices.  Small-town merchants pay out fees too...rental, utilities, insurance, paychecks, promotionals, taxes, etc.  Just because the town is smaller than a city...doesn't mean that the quality of our product is lower.... I would say most of the time it is better.  These small-town stores are not a charity!  They need to make a profit too.  We need to remember that when merchants buy wholesale all is not equal.  The bigger the chain store the lower the product price...small stores don't get this "lower" price.  It's not fair but it's true. Small-towm merchants work hard and long hours to provide us a wonderful service to our community.


If you live in a rural community, you need to understand that our grocery store is arguably one of the most important businesses in town. It is also one of the most important social places in town;)  The lack of a grocery store means residents have less access to healthy fresh fruits and vegetables, and the elderly and others without reliable transportation will tend to buy their food at convenience stores with more limited selections or go for longer periods of time between visits to the store.

In the United States,
Consumers should be encouraged to buy goods made in the USA.

I think I've had my "soap box" stand for the day...

'til next time,

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