Saturday, November 24, 2012


After a nice sleep we awoke bright and early at 6:00pm and headed out for a brisk stroll to our complimentary breakfast buffet.  The kitchen did a wonderful job - a great selection of food! And they were able to keep it hot just the way we like it. The walk back to our room was beautiful because there was an inner courtyard and some of the trees still had their leaves on; river birch had yellow leaves.  You could hear the songbirds which have been gone from our area for a while now.

Georgia’s Welcome Center stop at noon was much needed.  We put up the table in the van and made sandwiches [a great way to save money to use on “seafood” when we get to the coast…yum!].   My husband gassed up the van in a small town and I picked out a $2 scratch lotto ticket…I lost, but I gave it a shot;)  I guess you can say I contributed to the State of Georgia’s Christmas! 
Cotton Fields look like snow.

In the middle of Atlanta, GA, near the Mill Road Exit …rambling down the interstate, looking at the scenery and watching a movie at the same time [did I mention I have the whole back of our van to myself]  I spotted a beautiful church, architecturally speaking.  Too bad I can’t get inside it; I adore looking through buildings.  As the road passes on there are more and more trees with leaves and they are just beginning to be touched with color.  Blue, blue sky with just wisps of clouds; I just couldn’t help it I had to open the window slightly to feel the cold air on me; this reminds me of October. 

Alanta, GA Skyline
Olympic Torch

Just as I was finishing up my movie we pulled into our end of the day hotel in Lake Park, GA.  Good night to all and sweet dreams!

Georgia State Motto - "Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation"
for more facts on Georgia click HERE

Pillow Box Bucket

Pretty Box Bucket wasn't it! I hope you all enjoyed watching the how-to and pray you give it a go one day. I look forward to making one;)

‘til next time,

Georgia On My Mind Lyrics

Artist: Ray Charles
Georgia, Georgia,
The whole day through
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind

I'm say Georgia
A song of you
Comes as sweet and clear
As moonlight through the pines

Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you

I said Georgia,
Ooh Georgia, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind

Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you

No peace, no peace I find
Just this old, sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind

I said just an old sweet song,
Keeps Georgia on my mind

Friday, November 23, 2012


Packed the van last night after a full turkey dinner with the family and left home at 5:30 am the next day!   It took us about 9 - 9 1/2 hours to get to... Quality Inn Exit 4:  (3095 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN, US, 37040).  Our hotel room nice and clean and the staff were helpful;)  Our ultimate destination is Key West, FL...and then loop back home by Christmas. 
We have settled down to aged cheese, apples, turkey, sausage and crackers and Jim and Dad Kahl are having a "toddy" while I am drinking my water.  I've been struggling with a bad sinus infection and am taking it easy and healing well with antibiotics. 
I felt bad leaving behind my daughter and our 2 grand kids - they are sick too and she could have used some help with them through the week after daycare. 
The van was comfortable but the wind made it sway slightly.  Thank our Lord that we have already received warmer weather.  When we left this morning our home town had a "windchill" high of 15 degrees Fahrenheit. When we arrived in Clarksville it was 55 degrees Fahrenheit and the wind had settled down; tomorrow it is suppose to be 57!
Tomorrow we will be heading to Lake Park, GA.  No touristy sites for today - just rest, snacks and some telly. 

Make a Window Frame with your Punches!

I added this video because I feel that sometimes we forget that we really need to utilize our punches! There are so many things we can do with them.  Pull out the paper punches and browse the web and magazines/books for creative ways for using them.  Now, I also believe that we don't use our "Thing-a-ma-jig as much as we should either (for those of use who rubber stamp).  I found this "how to" video on YouTube and hope that it will help you to understand this helpful tool.

How to Use a "Thing-a-ma-jig)!


Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. - Cecil B. DeMille

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly. - Buckminster Fuller

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort.

We should consider every day lost, on which we have not danced at least once. - Friedrich Nietzsche

OH, we saw Robins! so pretty...

'til next time,


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